At vlam · van · an we hope to inspire people to take moments to wind life down and practice self care. With this, the ritual of lighting a candle and making yourself comfortable, becomes the starting point of taking time to care for yourself, your own needs and finding what feels good.
Next to self care, taking care of this wonderful planet is also very important to us. This is why we’ve made sure that every candle is vegan, cruelty free and zero-waste. To make them we use all locally grown soy bean wax, sustainable candle supplies and high quality fragrance oils. Next to that all of our packaging is plastic free and recyclable.
We also take pride in the fact that we design our own unique fragrance blends and pour all candles by hand in our small atelier in Groningen, The Netherlands. Yet our modern, luxe look makes every vlam · van · an candle complement contemporary interiors all over the planet. From urban jungles to minimalist sanctuaries, a vlam · van · an candle will make your house feel like home.